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“I am afraid that speaking about the collision of civilizations we will ignore our national development”, advisor of the RA Foreign Ministry Ashot Voskanyan expressed his concern during the discussion with the theme “Collision of Civilizations and Armenia” in the “Mirror” club. According to him, it would be better to think not about the collision of civilizations, but about the solution of social problems.

The Advisor considers the expression “collision of civilizations” dangerous and artificial. Mr. Voskanyan fears that the collision Russia-USA which started during the Soviet times can be replaced by that of civilizations.

Mr. Voskanyan reminded that when he represented the issue of RA membership to CE, a number of Europeans asked if the Armenians are Europeans, “When I said that we are Christians, they said that the people in Latin America are Christians too, but it doesn’t make them European”.

Ashot Voskanyan was convinced that Armenia will not be a full member of CE fro a long time. According to him, it is clear for the Europeans what we want, but they do not understand what we will give them.

Before referring to the main theme, the second guest of the “Mirror” club Hrach Bayadyan tried to explain what civilization and especially Western civilization is. As for the confrontation of East and West Mr. Bayadyan thinks there must not be clear-cut boundaries. «When we speak about the confrontation of East and West, we spread the ideology created by the West».

Ashot Voskanyan had a different concept of the West, «The West is Europe in the extreme, and USA is the West of the West». According to Mr. Voskanyan, before speaking about civilizations, we Armenians must understand what our own society is. «For centuries we failed to have not only statehood but also a society».

He also spoke about his concept of Europe, «Europe has serious problems. They follow the path of self-purification. The society must discuss the problems within itself. That is to say, there is a section in the society which raises these problems. This is Europe. »

To note, during the discussion no one failed to find out which civilization is Armenia in, where it is going and what it can gain and lose on its way.