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The destroyer of the science house is plagiarism - academician (video)


The Higher Qualification Committee has taken decisive steps, most of which are welcomed by the psychologist Samvel Khudoyan; BQC began a very strong fight against plagiarism. The psychologist considers the appointment of the chairman of the professional board critical for the BQC. "Here is appointed a plagiarist, that is, a scientist by whom the plagiarism has been founded. The chairman of the professional council should be the most respected expert in the given atmosphere, deserving respect." Academician Pavel Avetisyan agrees with psychologist. "The destroyer of the science house is plagiarism." He considers that it is very important now to conduct such activities. The academician is confident that problems with plagiarism should first be solved by review. "Any work should be reviewed and there we will show what is good, what is bad, where is plagiarism. In order to evaluate this or that work in the scientific community, it is necessary to review those works, it has always been a formality," said the academician.