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Ten years ago, gas was more expensive for Armenia, but it was cheaper for the consumer - Karen Chilingaryan (video)


Karen Chilingaryan, Consumer Consulting Center NGO leader stated: "Our authorities have promised that the tariff will not rise for the consumer. Perhaps, our Gazprom Armenia will find ways to not increase [prices]. Some promises have been made." In his opinion, it is possible to find new resources and create more favorable conditions by the supplier. "Gas price increase for business does not mean increase in prices for ordinary consumers," Chilingaryan says. "In neighboring Georgia, gas price is more expensive for business than for ordinary consumers because it is believed businesses have profits. So the business should be ready." Chiligaryan believes that the businessman in Armenia should also be ready for this and think about doing business so that even in case of an increase, he will find ways to avoid the impact of increase on the product. Even Georgian businessmen are able to compete with Armenian businessmen, even if the gas is more expensive. "In the past, about 10 years ago, when gas was more expensive for Armenia, it was cheaper for the consumer," he concluded.