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Uncertain situation at "Phirdus" market (video)


Today in the morning, workers brought building demolition equipment to the market "Phirdus". This raised concerns among the local residents and merchants. The workers have not started demoliting any building as they do not know what they are to do. There are a lot of policemen waiting as well. "Last time they came and demolited the street, then left it, and we had to repair it on our own," merchants said. It should be reminded that within the framework of the project called "33th district" it is envisaged to build a square of 48m in the area of 5.4 hectares. For this purpose last year the "Phirdus" market was demolished and the merchants were sent to different shopping centers. Some of them, however, did not survive the local tariffs, returned to the "Phirdus" market. The merchants said that the purpose of those actions was to frighten them and other merchants so that they did not hope of returning and working there.