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Ecotax also for not polluting environment (video)


According to Eduard Yeghyan, current athlete of Armenian Automobile Federation, there are few electromobiles in Armenia, though, they are future of the cars. “In Armenia only few individuals have electromobiles, which are expensive models. But the Japanese Nissan electromobile is affordable to everyone. For example, in the last one month Georgia has imported 5100 such cars.” The electromobile doesn’t pollute environment, what’s more it rarely breaks down until the final breakdown of the battery. The biggest problem connected with the introduction of electromobiles in Armenia is absence of charging stations. “Electromobile can be charged at home with simple electric wire, which takes about 4 hours. But that process is short at charging stations. Besides, in case of charging stations, people can go long distances by electromobiles,” noted the experienced racer. Eduard Yeghyan is surprised that for importing electromobile ecotax must be paid. “It is true, it is a symbolic sum, but it isn’t clearly stated in our code, why ecotax must be paid for eco-friendly car.”