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Man charged with cutting of trees released


Alexander Samsonyan, who was accused of cutting down 5 poplars and 24 elms in Davtashen, yesterday was released. His advocate Armen Melkonyan told “A1+” that the Prosecutor upheld their mediation and a written cognizance not to leave the city was chosen as a precautionary measure against Alexander Samsonyan. Armen Melkonyan once again highlighted that his defendant doesn’t admit the charges levied against him, “He didn’t cut down the trees, it was deep pruning.” Alexander Samsonyan , who was in custody for 20 days, had also presented an appeal through his advocate to the Court of Appeal, but it hasn’t been investigated yet. The experts of the Ministry of Nature Protection calculated and clarified that Alexander Samsonyan caused AMD 2 million 860 thousand material damage. According to the observation of advocate Armen Melkonyan, there is no corpus delicti in this case. To remind, some days ago the NA lawmaker Tevan Poghosyan posted this photo on Facebook, informing that deeply pruned trees in Davtashen started growing.