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Minister: “There is no issue of depoliticizing institution of directors on agenda” (video)

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Before replying to the question by “A1+” whether Minister of Science and Education Levon Mkrtchyan stands by 30 directors, who filed a lawsuit against “Union of Informed Citizens” NGO, Dashnak Minister says that first category must be clarified, “I stand by lawfulness and defense of laws of the Republic of Armenia.” Is the demand of the directors from the NGO headed by Daniel Ioannisyan lawful? “The Court will decide.” He said that investigation is underway in connection with high schools, “The same is done also by Municipality and regional administration. We will sum up, will speak to Ombudsman, will speak to the Electoral Commission, we will take their materials and will announce publicly.” Levon Mkrtchyan claims that as of now there is no issue of depoliticizing schools and the institution of directors on the agenda. What’s more presence of representatives of the education system is welcome, “We have 40 000 teachers and they are the important part of our intelligentsia, if we want to have a political culture, that powerful section must be involved in parties and political culture.” Watch details in the video!