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What will Armenia lose if it delays ratification of agreement? (video)


Armenia in the Paris agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is deprived of the right to vote. Today during “Towards Marrakech- Armenia on the eve of the 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) of the Convention of Climate Change” conference National Coordinator of the project Aram Gabrielyan noted that Armenia’s deprivation of the right to vote is a temporary phenomenon. It will be restored as soon as Armenia ratifies Paris agreement of the Convention. Why didn’t Armenia join the list of the 76 countries that ratified the Paris Agreement in time? Gabrielyan clarified this during the interview with journalists, “The UN Secretary-General decided that this year all the countries should have solemnly ratified the agreement on April 22 in New York, but as it was on the eve of April 24, Armenia couldn’t be present at the highest-presidential level,” he told, noting at the same time that we shouldn’t make a tragedy out of it because Armenia will carry an observer’s role in the Marrakech Climate Change Conference of the Parties. The process of the ratification has already begun. Note that Paris agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change enters into force on November 4 for all those countries which have ratified it. By the Paris agreement all the developed countries of the world will unite to fight climate change. What will Armenia lose if it delays ratification of agreement? “Due the Paris agreement the developed countries will take developing countries under their responsibility. If we don’t ratify it is up to these countries whether they will bear responsibility or not. Within this process there can be some additional or soft grants, but if the country hasn’t still ratified the agreement then there can be some indirect sanctions,” noted Mr Gabrielyan.