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Flow of Russian tourists to Turkey will not increase after Turkey airport attack (video)


Turkey’s formal apology to Russia for the downing of a Russian warplane in November will be remembered in the world history and the main event of the year, Andranik Ispiryan, an expert in Turkish studies, said on June 29. He says the apology and the cooperation agreement signed with Israel showed the disgraceful defeat of Turkey’s foreign policy. “Only several days ago, Erdogan ruled out any apology and compensation but today we are witnessing the opposite,” Andranik Ispiryan said. He says Russia agreed to ‘reconciliation deal’ with Turkey to be able to counteract Israel - its opponent in the energy sector. “Turkey is trying to reduce its energy dependence on Russia, but today Turkey has appeared in such a situation that both Russia and Israel are equally important for the country,” he said. Speaking about Tuesday’s terrorist attack on Atatürk airport attack in Istanbul, the specialist said he was not inclined to think that it was an accident. He added that the flow of Russian tourists to Turkey, which is viewed as a prerequisites for reconciliation, will not increase as a result of the terrorist attack.