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“Today is the day for everyone to give a meaning to his existence” (video)


For a nation, which didn’t have statehood for many centuries, the creation and declaration of the first republic is very important, thinks the RA Minister of Justice Arpine Hovhannisyan, touching upon the idea of the RA First Republic Day and its historic significance. She thinks that having a republic means a victorious people, statehood, revival of national consciousness, “It gives a chance to future generations to maintain, educate and continue the same ideology, which lay on the basis of the fight and declaration of the first republic. Today Armenia must do its best to strengthen its statehood, build a dignified country for our citizens, maintain what has already been built and continue the best traditions. Today is the day for everyone to reconsider and give a meaning to both his existence, his role in the state, state and citizen relationship and his interpretation of the formula ‘citizens for the state and the state for citizens’”.