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Islamic State poses indirect threat to Armenia (video)

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“Turkey has to fight against several real threats: possible attacks by the Islamic state on its state border, renewed bloody clashes with the Kurdish Party and the ensuing internal tensions in the country, in the result of which the parties are unable to form a coalition, says Turkologist Gevorg Petrosyan. He says the present situation stems from the interests of Armenia and Armenians. “In such a situation, Turkey has to spend its resources on actual military operations and will not direct then on anti-Armenian actions,” he said. Sargis Grigoryan, an expert in Arabic studies says Turkey seeks to be engaged in ongoing military operations in Iraq and Syria. “If earlier Turkey remained neutral and could not be fully involved in hostilities today Turkey vows to defend its interests.” Mr Grigoryan says different countries are seeking their interests in the Middle East. “Iran will not withdraw from Syria and is fully satisfied with the regime of President Bashar Assad in Syria. Saudi Arabia is more interested in reducing the role of Iran in the region and the indirect involvement of the state in military operations there is to be viewed in this context,” he stressed. The expert says the Islamic State does not pose a threat to Armenia.  “Our main task now is to preserve the Armenian communities in the war-torn areas. We should not also forget that an Islamic vilayat has formed in the Caucasus and should be prepared for some liveliness.”