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Poll in Yerevan on the issue of electricity price increase (video)

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During these days in Yerevan and other big settlements of Armenia demonstrations are held against electricity price increase. The organizers have given the relevant authorities time until June 19 in order to drop the plan of electricity price increase. The next demo will take place on that day. “A1+” held polls in Yerevan in order to find out the public opinion on electricity price increase. The civilians agree on one issue- electricity price mustn’t be increased. Are they ready to take to the streets and fight against the price increase? There are different opinions. Elderly citizens consider the fight to be useless: “anyway, it will be increased”, “it is useless to fight”. Some of the citizens won’t take to the streets, but they support the activists, who have chosen such style of struggle. To remind, the Electric Networks of Armenia have submitted a bid to the Public Services Regulatory Commission for raising the electricity price by 17 drams.