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Amo Sharoyan: Yazidi women and girls are sold as slaves (video)


Yazidi forces are now fighting the so-called ‘Islamic State,’ Amo Sharoyan, Chair of National Union of Yezidis "Midia-Shangal" said in connection with the recent atrocities in Shangal. He says it is their homeland, Yazidi people lived and thrived on that land. Mr Sharoyan says about 6000 Yazidis have been taken hostage since August 2014. “Women are held as slaves. Some began to flee and this made the criminals execute their kinspeople. A total of 47 Yazidis have been killed to this day,” he said adding that women and girls are sold as slaves and they are proud of themselves for ‘reestablishing slavery’ in the 21st century. Mr Sharoyan says the genocide of Yazidis has passed unnoticed by the international community. “In the past, they killed Yazidis for their religion but today they want to clean Shangal from Yazidis,” he stressed. The chairman of the Midia-Shangal National Union NGO has applied to the Armenian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, as well as European structures with a request to help them. He is hopeful that the situation will change in the near future.