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“Troika had agreed to meet Serzh Sargsyan jointly”: R. Hakobyan (video)

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Today “Heritage” Party Head Ruben Hakobyan revealed a secret of recent meetings of Tsarukyan- Ter-Petrosyan- Raffi Hovhannisyan. “We had an agreement that in case of a meeting with Serzh Sargsyan, during which the political processes must have been discussed, the representatives of three political powers must have participated in that meeting,” he says. Ruben Hakobyan supposes that Gagik Tsarukyan didn’t inform the other powers of Troika about the meeting with Serzh Sargsyan as violence had been used, “Members of BHK were taken to police, I am informed that even Balahovit village was subjected to terror as people in that village mainly work at the relevant structures of Gagik Tsarukyan.” The fact is that after the meeting with Serzh Sargsyan, Gagik Tsarukyan rejected the fight by announcing that the alternative is the bloodshed. HHK even didn’t realize that it testified, “The testimony is as follows, we will shed blood, if you gather on Freedom Square.” The opposition wouldn’t go to the square with arms, so the authorities would shed blood. Ruben Hakobyna doesn’t think that the authorities would take such a risk, it was just a psychological attack against Tsarukyan, “I don’t think that after March 1 the authorities would allow bloodshed.” Republican Hermine Naghdalyan can’t say anything about the testimony mentioned by Ruben Hakobyan. She doesn’t know what the opposition deputy means by saying testimony. Hermine Naghdalyan is interested in having an organized opposition. Mrs. Naghdalyan was asked, “How can the opposition be organized, if it is threatened with bloodshed?” -Nothing like that happened, no one heard such words,- says Mrs. Naghdalyan. - Tsarukyan said. - Apply to Tsarukyan with that comment! But the Republican Party has never used such terminology. - Naturally, it isn’t done publicly. - It means that Tsarukyan said something, which isn’t done publicly…