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Ter-Petrosyan sees no necessity for a private conversation with Serzh Sargsyan anymore:

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23d60570f8848ee042ef72ea0c4400f1 published the message of press secretary of Armenian National Congress Levon Ter-Petrosyan is fully satisfied with the response of Serzh Sargsyan by assessing the fact that it clearly outlines Serzh Sargsyan’s viewpoint on “The declaration of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide”. Sargsyan considers that the declaration is a fine document and expresses the will of Armenians. Yet Ter-Petrosyan considers that it is a document full of dangers for Armenia and Karabakh and it cannot express the will of Armenians without a referendum. Accordingly, as the debate is public, Ter-Petrosyan sees no necessity for a private conversation with Serzh Sargsyan anymore. Arman Musinyan