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New Year fairs in European cities: photos


Starting today traditional New Year and Christmas fair will be organized in North Avenue, Yerevan. In many cities of Europe, which are big centers of tourism, these preparations have started still in November. Our camera has fixed some of them. Paris: Elysian Fields are ready to host millions of tourists. ss rr pp DSCN9081 gggggg gg g Bruges: Belgian waffle houses, chocolate shops, ice skating rinks, creative Christmas trees bruuuu bruge bru DSCN0180 Amsterdam: of course, fresh tulips even in winter DSCN9801 DSCN9797 DSCN9992 Antwerp: this old Belgian city hosted Paris Ice Disney World, and there are beautiful  decorations in flower shops. sar sar1 sar3 aan an antv Vienna: hot wine, cottages and trees decorated with taste DSCN9994 DSCN0035 DSCN0042 DSCN0022 By Hasmik Budaghyan