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No to roaming: Preparliament also joined (video)


The statement of Preparliament secretariat On the need to eliminate the roaming system separating Artsakh and Armenia Preparliament has announced for many times that the only variant of final resolution of Artsakh issue is its de jure reunion to the Republic of Armenia via consolidation referendum. From this point of view the roaming system separating Artsakh and Armenia is totally unacceptable and serves the purpose of enriching foreign corporations by oppressing our people. The secretariat of Preparliament welcomes the action boycotting the roaming system in Artsakh organized by director Arshak Zakarian and calls everybody to join it. We remind that Arshak Zakarian offers to turn off the cell phones for a day on December 1 as a protest action against current tariffs and roaming in Artsakh.