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Armenia 'loses' 1500-2000 future mothers annually (video)

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Since early 1990s the sex-at-birth ratio in Armenia has become skewed and comprised 114 boys to 100 girls in the past 20 years while the accepted normal biological ratio is 102-106 boys to 100 girls. The average ratio was 164 males against 100 females in 2008-2012. The need for one son in Armenia is stronger than the aversion for girls. As a result male children outnumber female children by 40 000 among people under 20. Gender inequality is evident in the country which is largely due to the perception of gender roles in families. The preference for sons can also be explained by their mission to continue the generation and take charge of families. Official statistics show that the number of abortions in Armenia increased by roughly 10 percent in 2010 compared with the previous year. According to the number of sex-selective abortions, Armenia comes third after China and Azerbaijan. Details are available in the video.