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What to do in order cockroaches disappear instead of bees (video)

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Decrease of bees has been registered in Armenia during recent years. Bees and hornets have decreased by 90 percent, alarm the beekeepers. The reason is various diseases, chemicals in plants and radiation. “Radiation has the biggest influence. All want to have good phones, good connection and Wi-Fi, but at the end of the year they also want to eat good honey, this problem must be examined and solved,”- says Armenian Technological Academy President Vanush Davtyan. Mr. Davtyan brings the example of the Russian Federation, where cockroaches are killed  because of radiation but not bees, “We must go and examine how they do it. We don’t know the way or else we will implement it,”- added Mr. Davtyan. Beekeepers Union President Telman Nazaryan regrets to say that this year there has been little honey in Armenia, “So if you are suggested this year’s honey, it will be suspicious, it must be checked.” For Armenian beekeepers the exportation of honey is also a problem as honey doesn’t correspond to European standards, “Our plants are injected with chemicals, bees use that plant and as a result antibiotics are found in our honey. Europeans don’t accept it,”- noted Mr. Nazaryan. To A1+ question, whether it isn’t also dangerous for us, he answered, “No, it isn’t dangerous, it just doesn’t correspond to their standards.” By the way, specialists note that serious ecological problems will arise because of decrease of bees. For example, there will be no tree pollination and we won’t have also fruit.