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Hrant Dink was killed: ideas remained (video)

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He was the first to speak about the rights of Western Armenians and paid for it with his life. Hrant Dink only wanted the offenders to pay for their crime. If there weren’t Turkish hatred to Armenians, today Hrant Dink would become 60 years old. He was killed just in front of the editorial board Akos. But his death was the spark, which awoke the sleeping identity of many Armenians living in Turkey. Modus Vivendi center head Ara Papyan knew Armenian editor personally. He confesses, at first Dink’s intentions were strange for him, but then he was convinced: his predictions were true. “His conviction that Armenian issue must be solved with Armenians living in their homeland was true.” Hrant Dink worked for people, so the continuation of his activity could hardly change anything in Turkish-Armenian relations, thinks Ara Papyan. His death had more influence and first of all on Turkish public, “Many people saw that a person could sacrifice his life for his ideology, and many people, who were afraid, began to speak. Losing freedom wasn’t important for them.” Hrant Dink was killed on January 19, 2007, but his soul remained as a pigeon. His ideas also remained, which move many people to courage.