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Fundraising for protection from the shootings (video)


During the recent months there have always been fires in Tavush Berd region more than 5 villages. At this moment Aygepar village position is the most dangerous. There is an Aygepar kindergarten on Armenian-Azerbaijani border in the video. These children’s life is endangered. “Ayo” foundation has initiated a fundraising for building a protective wall in Aygepar. Every second is important in the situation of continuous shootings. Your donation to these accounts can save lives. BENEFICIARY BANK: AMERIA BANK CJSC BENEFICIARY BANK ADDRESS: 9 G. LUSAVORICH Str, YEREVAN, RA BENEFICIARY BANK SWIFT# : ARMIAM22 BENEFICIARY ACCOUNT NUMBER: 15700 01092470901 BENEFICIARY ACCOUNT NAME: FUND FOR ARMENIAN RELIEF, ARMENIA BRANCH BANK CORRESPONDENT: CITIBANK N.A., NEW YORK BANK CORRESPONDENT SWIFT: CITIUS33 BANK CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT NUMBER: 36116208