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The building of Yerevan State Circus was put in commission in 1962 and hasn’t yet been repaired. For some reasons the circus building was left out of the list for Lincy Foundation reconstructions. It was promised to be included in the 2nd phase.

”The building is not corresponding with any standard. Sanitary and water systems are in a sad state”, State Circus Artistic Director Sos Petrosyan says.

According to Petrosyan, Culture and Youth Ministry allots as much money as necessary for paying the tax only.

”I am surprised. How can the circus being the only one in Armenia face such a sorry plight?”, Mr Petrosyan says.

Culture and Youth Ministry informed us the circus will be involved in the 2nd phase of Lincy Foundation’ repairs but it is not known yet whether there will be a second phase or not.

We have nothing else to do but suppose – since Parliament and management bodies turned into circus, Authorities don’t need a real circus.