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Two HPPs in state sanctuaries area (video)


Pan-Armenian Environmental Front claims that “Arpa-3” and “Khachaghbyur-2” SHPs are built in state sanctuaries areas and they must get negative conclusion. Today we presented official letter to the Ministry of Environmental Protection on this issue, where it is noted in particular: “Jinj Arpa” LLC on February 14, 2014, presented for examination the construction plan of “Arpa-3” SHP, where it is indicated that the SHP’s structure areas are not included in “Jermuk Hydrological” sanctuary area and are about 2 km far. To understand how much it is real, we examined the place of sanctuary, regulations and borders description and compared with SHP’s structures places. It turn out that “Jermuk Hydrological” state sanctuary is located 2100-2470 meters high from the sea level, Arpa River water catchment basin boundaries- from headwaters to the final point- “Jermuk” resort hydrological point. And on the sixth point of the sanctuary’s constitution it is written, that it is forbidden in this territory to build new HPPs and water abstraction from rivers. As “Arpa-3” SHP is intended to build on Arpa river 2146-2287 meters above the sea level, it can’t be out of the sanctuary’s area. So the Ministry of Environmental Protection must give negative conclusion to this project. More in the video Pan-Armenian Environmental front