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Will review committee increase transport fares? (video)

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The public transport fare review committee is expected to present the results of its study in the near future. “All calculations are done, we shall convene a sitting by the end of the week and present the public our findings,” Naira Nahapetyan, a committee member representing the Republican Party of Armenia, told A1+. The group of activists who prevented the increase in transport fares in summer, say the hike will cause a new wave of protests. “As you know civil activists are currently protesting against the mandatory funded pension reform and I believe the Municipality does not increase transport fares fearing new protests,” said activist Gayane Melkonyan. Last year, different transport companies had requested fare rises within a range of 140 and 200 drams and the city authorities eventually decided to apply a single tariff but the wave of public protests averted the rise in fares. While, the review committee is engaged in determining the new fares, changes have been observed in certain routes.