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Political analyst predicts new wave of changes (video)


Political analyst Sergey Minasyan says he cannot understand Russian authorities. “Until recently, the European Union and Customs Union were considered as technical and economic processes even by Russia. The latter knew that Armenia had been paving way towards Europe for four years.” “I cannot understand what made Putin transfer from economic domain to the geopolitical one. The result was that on September 3 the Armenian side and at the last moment Yanukovych refused to sign the association agreement,” said Mr. Minasyan. After the recent events in Ukraine it became clear that both Ukraine and Armenia still can continue negotiations over the EU Association Agreement. However, instead of learning a lesson from the Ukraine turmoil, Russia can ‘speed up the accession to the Customs Union and even try to pressurize Armenia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan [which are already CU members]. The expert says the EU is still seeking avenues of cooperation with Caucasus.  “The EU integration seems to have received fresh momentum for Armenia and South Caucasus,” said Mr. Minasyan who expects new wave of changes in the process.