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People of civilized countries would be surprised if knew that Yerevan's people demand the Authorities within a day to provide a 2-hour long water supply twice a day . The supporters of the standpoint are the representatives of Armenian Authorities.

Programs on improvement of water supply of Armenia and Yerevan in particular will soon be executed more seriously. The first program approved by Government will be implemented in Yerevan, then in the other settlements of republic to improve water supply in multi-flat buildings.

Under the elaborated projects, "Water and Sewerage System" Company won't deal with the population any longer . The city condominiums are going to conclude contracts with "Water and Sewerage System" and pledge themselves to provide normal water supply and to carry out subscriber pay collection.

"We can solve the problem through the condominiums. We couldn't do it during the 70 soviet years. And the problem became strained within 12 recent years because of that" ,- Gagik Martirosyan, the Chair of the State Committee of Water Economy says.

There are 280 condominiums in Yerevan now. Only 40 out of them have contracts with "Water and Sewerage System". A few dozens of cooperation applications are being discussed. Some of condominiums avoid assuming serious responsibilities.

Projects on water supply improvement of Yerevan have been executed for 4 years uninterruptedly. Nevertheless, water in Yerevan is not enough though the biggest part gets Yerevan. This is explained with water waste.
About 700 enterprises were found to have illegal water-pipes and not having water-gauges. They also avoid subscriber pay .